Source code for hysop.core.graph.computational_node_frontend

# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
# See ""
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import inspect
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from hysop.constants import Implementation, Backend, implementation_to_backend
from import debug
from import check_instance, first_not_None
from hysop.core.graph.node_generator import ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator

from hysop.fields.continuous_field import Field
from hysop.topology.topology import Topology

[docs] class ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend(ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator): @debug def __new__( cls, implementation=None, base_kwds=None, candidate_input_tensors=None, candidate_output_tensors=None, **impl_kwds, ): base_kwds = {} if (base_kwds is None) else base_kwds return super().__new__( cls, candidate_input_tensors=candidate_input_tensors, candidate_output_tensors=candidate_output_tensors, **base_kwds, ) @debug def __init__( self, implementation=None, base_kwds=None, candidate_input_tensors=None, candidate_output_tensors=None, **impl_kwds, ): """ Initialize a ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend Parameters ---------- implementation: Implementation, optional, defaults to None target implementation, should be contained in available_implementations(). If None, implementation will be set to default_implementation(). base_kwds: dict, optional, defaults to None Base class keywords arguments. If None, an empty dict will be passed. impl_kwds: Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation implemention __init__. Attributes ---------- implementation: Implementation the implementation key backend: Backend the backend corresponding to implementation impl: ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator or ComputationalGraphNode the implementation class impl_kwds: Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation implemention impl.__init__ during a call to _generate. """ base_kwds = first_not_None(base_kwds, {}) candidate_input_tensors = first_not_None(candidate_input_tensors, ()) candidate_output_tensors = first_not_None(candidate_output_tensors, ()) if "variables" in impl_kwds: variables = impl_kwds["variables"] candidate_input_tensors += tuple(variables.keys()) candidate_output_tensors += tuple(variables.keys()) super().__init__( candidate_input_tensors=candidate_input_tensors, candidate_output_tensors=candidate_output_tensors, **base_kwds, ) check_instance(implementation, Implementation, allow_none=True) default_implementation = self.default_implementation() available_implementations = self.available_implementations() if not isinstance(default_implementation, Implementation): msg = "default_implementation is not a instance of hysop.backend.Implementation." raise TypeError(msg) for b in available_implementations: if not isinstance(b, Implementation): msg = "{} is not a instance of hysop.backend.Implementation." msg = msg.format(b) raise TypeError(msg) if default_implementation not in available_implementations: msg = ( "default_implementation is not contained in available_implementations." ) raise ValueError(msg) if implementation is None: implementation = default_implementation elif implementation not in available_implementations: simplementations = [] simplementations.append(f"-{default_implementation} (default)") for b in available_implementations: if b != default_implementation: simplementations.append(f"-{b}") msg = "Specified implementation '{}' is not an available implementation, " msg += "available implementations are:\n {}" msg = msg.format(implementation, "\n ".join(simplementations)) raise ValueError(msg) elif self.implementations()[implementation] is None: msg = "Specified implementation '{}' is registered as an available implementation for operator '{}', " msg += "but no underlying implementation was found. This may be due to missing dependency or a catched " msg += "import error in file file://{}." msg = msg.format( implementation, self.__class__.__name__, inspect.getfile(self.__class__)[:-1], ) raise ValueError(msg) self.implementation = implementation self.backend = implementation_to_backend(implementation) self.impl = self.implementations()[implementation] self.impl_kwds = impl_kwds self._generated = False self._input_fields_to_dump = [] self._output_fields_to_dump = [] @debug def _generate(self): try: op = self.impl(**self.impl_kwds) except: sargs = [f'*{k} = {repr(v)}' for (k, v) in self.impl_kwds.items()] msg = f'FATAL ERROR during {self.__class__}.generate():\n' msg += f' => failed to initialize an instance of type {self.impl}' msg += '\n by using the following keyword arguments:' msg += '\n '+'\n '.join(sargs) print(f'\n{msg}') raise for kwds in self._input_fields_to_dump: op.dump_inputs(**kwds) for kwds in self._output_fields_to_dump: op.dump_outputs(**kwds) self._generated = True return (op,)
[docs] @abstractmethod def implementations(cls): """ Should return all implementations as a dictionnary. Keys are Implementation instances and values are either ComputationalGraphNode or ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def default_implementation(cls): """ Return the default Implementation, should be compatible with available_implementations. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def available_implementations(cls): """ Return all available implementations. """ return cls.implementations().keys()
[docs] def dump_inputs(self, **kwds): """ Tell the generated operator to dump some of its inputs before apply is called. Target folder, file, dump frequency and other io pameters are passed trough io_params or as keywords. See hysop.core.computational_node.ComputationalGraphNode.dump_inputs(). """ msg = "Cannot dump inputs after {} has been generated." msg = msg.format( assert self._generated is False, msg self._input_fields_to_dump.append(kwds)
[docs] def dump_outputs(self, **kwds): """ Tell the generated operator to dump some of its outputs after apply is called. Target folder, file, dump frequency and other io pameters are passed trough instance io_params of this parameter or as keywords. See hysop.core.computational_node.ComputationalGraphNode.dump_outputs(). """ msg = "Cannot dump outputs after {} has been generated." msg = msg.format( assert self._generated is False, msg self._output_fields_to_dump.append(kwds)
[docs] class MultiComputationalGraphNodeFrontend(ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend): """ Interface like ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend that handles multiple different discretization methods: IMPLEMENTATION_KEY + IMPLEMENTATION => OPERATOR (ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend only generates OPERATOR from IMPLEMENTATION). """ @debug def __new__(cls, implementation_key, implementation=None, **kwds): return super().__new__(cls, implementation=implementation, **kwds) @debug def __init__(self, implementation_key, implementation=None, **kwds): """ Initialize a MultiComputationalGraphNodeFrontend Parameters ---------- implementation_key: object Target implementation method. Should be contained in available_implementation_keys(). implementation: Implementation, optional, defaults to None Target implementation, should be contained in available_implementations()[implementation_key]. If None, implementation will be set to default_implementation(). kwds: dict Base class keyword arguments. Attributes ---------- implementation_key: object Target implementation method. """ if implementation_key not in self.available_implementation_keys(): keys = [] for k in self.available_implementation_keys(): keys.append(f"-{k}") msg = "Specified implementation method '{}' is not an available implementation, " msg += "available implementations methods are:\n {}" msg = msg.format(implementation_key, "\n ".join(keys)) raise ValueError(msg) self._impl_key = implementation_key super().__init__(implementation=implementation, **kwds)
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_implementations(cls): """ Return all implementations of a certain method as a dictionnary. Keys are the methods and values are dictionnaries of (implementation -> operator). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_default_implementations(cls): """ Return the default Implementation for each method. The return type is a dictionnary (method -> default_implementation). """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def available_implementation_keys(cls): """ Return all available implementation methods. """ return cls.all_implementations().keys()
[docs] def implementations(self): return self.all_implementations()[self._impl_key]
[docs] def available_implementations(self): return self.implementations().keys()
[docs] def default_implementation(self): return self.all_default_implementations()[self._impl_key]
@property def implementation_key(self): return self._impl_key